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Research Project

Employer: One Picture

Application Deadline: 30th Nov, 2023

Paid Research Opp for Y13 Students Enrolled at Uni in 2024


One Picture is a market research company, based in Auckland, that works with some of Aotearoa, New Zealand’s leading brands. You can find out more about us here if you wish

We would like to advise you of some exciting research we have coming up for the University of Canterbury where we need to speak to school leavers to understand what they desire from a tertiary education, how they perceive University of Canterbury compared to other further education choices, and what they need to focus on as an institution to increase consideration and appeal for the future.

We are conducting online focus groups via Zoom. All groups will be held the week of the 13th November and they will be at 4.30pm, and they will run for 1.5 hours. The incentive we are offering for participating in this research is $90. Students would be asked to participate in a focus group with others from around the country. We believe they would find it interesting.

 We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this link on your school message board. There are limited spaces, students will need to be quick.


Paid research registration form for students serious about learning click here to go to the register.




Monica and the One Picture Team


Monica Ludolph

+64 9 917 0960

72 St Georges Bay Rd, Parnell, Auckland 1052


 Sign up for our news and views HERE

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