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Keystone Scholarships Open Now !


Welcome back to the third term – it’s always been known as the ‘grunt term’ with so much to do and so little time in which to do it. And now is also the time to get your senior students thinking about their future study plans and scholarship applications for 2024. Time to pull together all the references, the academic transcripts, and more importantly, helping them articulate their ‘why’. We are looking for students with a passion and purpose about their lives, and an enthusiasm to create a better world through property and construction.

We have developed a programme that works – almost 90% of our scholarship recipients complete their degrees and go on to their first graduate role with one of our sponsors. Find out more by attending one of our online clinics (times below) and/or by visiting our website.

We are with you on the journey to create New Zealand’s future leaders.
We are offering the Keystone Trust and C3 Construction School Leaver Property Scholarship for a school leaver studying a Bachelor of Construction at Unitec, Massey or AUT. This scholarship will be for three years and in addition to the benefits outlined for a Study Award recipient, also includes paid work experience for the student as they learn on the job about construction, property management and finance. C3 is headed by one of our alumni, Tamati Parker (2004) – originally from Lytton High School, Gisborne, you can read his story in the Keystone Trust Careers Brochure.
Read the attached book and see the road map of what this scholarship can support you in below:

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