CGHS – Powered by  CareerWise

Y13s – need a PT job or summer holiday work?

You can register with Student Job Search if you are going to be enrolled as a tertiary student next year.

Employer: various

Student Job Search

The countdown is on to the end of the year. Need a job before we get there?
At SJS, we not only have the jobs you want — we’re also here to provide all the tips and tricks you need to land them. 

If you haven’t visited us in a while, check out the changes we’ve been making around here!

Explore all part-time jobs
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Jobs for youth lift by 18%, reports Stats NZ.

Great news for young job-hunters across Aotearoa! 

According to new data from Stats NZ, the number of filled jobs for 15 to 19 year-olds rose to 131,000 in the June quarter, up 18 percent compared to June 2021.

As the number of jobs filled by youth increases, so does their total gross earnings — rising to a whopping $841 million this quarter. We love to see more talented rangatahi fuelling our workforce!

Did you know that high schoolers (or ‘intending students’) can find jobs through Student Job Search?

That’s right! As long as you can show you plan to enter tertiary study within the next six months, we’re here for you too.

Find out more and register now
Back yourself – you’ve got this!

We all have feelings of self-doubt and incompetence — it’s often called ‘imposter syndrome’ — and it affects everyone from students to CEOs.

To get around those feelings, we often hold ourselves to impossibly high standards and work until we burn out. So how do we overcome it?

Here are some simple steps you can take next time that sinking feeling creeps in:

1. Talk

Talking to friends and whānau can help you separate what’s real from what is nagging self-doubt. 

Next time one of those negative thoughts pops into your head, try asking yourself: who told me that? More often than not, the answer is “no one did” — it was just your own brain being unnecessarily hard on you!

2. Celebrate

Get into the habit of jotting down your wins, and use them as a reason to celebrate yourself.

Try keeping a small diary or folder of screenshots, recording all the positive feedback you get from others. Think of it as your own private brag book to whip out on a rainy day.

3. Challenge

It’s important not to simply accept the negative thoughts that wander into your head. Challenge them!

We know it’s easier said than done, but try your best not to compare yourself to others. Everyone is different, and everyone (yes, everyone) has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. That’s life!

4. Accept

You’re not perfect, and that’s okay. Give yourself a break! Try to make peace with the fact that none of us can be an expert at everything we do. 

It is perfectly normal to make mistakes in both our personal and professional lives. If we didn’t, we would never learn or grow.

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Let’s kōrero Māori all year round.

Did you and your friends find new opportunities to kōrero Māori this Māori Language Week? Why not keep the ball rolling with some more rerenga kupu (phrases) that you and your mates can continue to use?

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (and beyond) is a great time for friends and families to come together and learn some simple words that can be applied in any context — whether it be at mahi (work), your whare (house) or your wharekura (school). 

Try these phrases to keep up the kōrero: 

Mōrena, [company name], ko [your name] tēnei.

Kei te aha koe?

Kua pau te hau!

Hōmai koa te… [object]

Kia pai tō rā!


Morning, Student Job Search, Micah speaking. 

What are you doing?

I’m out of oomph!

Pass me the… [coffee/phone/pen]

Have a good day!


Find more ways to kōrero Māori

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